Bald...By Chemo...By Choice

Bald...By Chemo...By Choice
Picture taken 3/4/2010...2 days after final chemo treatment

Monday, November 30, 2009

Next Hurdle-still jumping

OK, visited the oncologist with the photographic memory today. As usual, he was a wealth of information. Radiation is for sure, probably 33 treatments. He gave me the name of the radiation oncologist to contact in Los Alamitos. Surprise, surprise, there are still more tests to be done on my cancerous tumor specimens (they save those things) to decide whether or not to add chemotherapy to my treatment protocol. The oncologist is ordering an ONCO DX study to determine my rate of cancer recurrance (sp?). This score will weigh in on determining chemo or no chemo for me. We are still waiting on the results of the BRCA (breast cancer gene testing) as that may weigh in on my treatment protocol as well. When I was explaining all of this to our good friend, Russ May, basketball coach at Cerritos College he said "this is the only Jeanne (gene) you need to know about, she is right here, alive and kicking". Love those coaches. Matt lost his opening season game by a buzzer beater tonight-we were sad.
I have another oncologist appointment this Friday (moved it from Thursday so I can watch Austin and Ryan in their first JV bball game of the season). I am hand delivering all of my mammogram, MRI, Ultrasound slides and pathology reports tomorrow before Matt's game at 5PM. Life goes on and it is good!!!
Vodka/Cranberry is my medication tonight-may I sleep better than last night.
Thanks for the comments-I think the sling looked good with my plaid flannel today.
Work is good...special ed kids are oblivious and that is OK. If they are communicating, I am happy.
Love you all and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all of the prayers and good thoughts.
I will keep you posted. I will keep my promises.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Second and Third Hurdles

Sorry it's taken me so long to post. Second Hurdle: Lymph node pathology report-both nodes clear!! Thanksgiving in Santa Barbara with family was wonderful! Third Hurdle: Treatment Protocol-???? Oncologist appointment tomorrow with Dr. Janis in Los Alamitos and a second opinion oncologist appointment Thursday with Dr. Link in Orange. All my doctors so far have said to plan on radiation for sure; chemo is a possibility as is hormone I need more hormones :)
The healing process is going well. I am very sore but I think it is a good sore, at least that's what I keep telling Matt.

Thanks to you all for your prayers and good wishes. They are what is keeping me going.
Back to work tomorrow morning, with my arm in a sling.

Will keep updating, I promise.


Friday, November 20, 2009

First Hurdle

Surgery today. Tumor and two nodes gone. First node: clear. Second node: suspicious cells that require further testing, but not necessarily cancer. So, all in all, good!

Not feeling much pain right now, but vicodin is my friend. :) Wine my friend in 24 hours. :)

Taking Monday and Tuesday off from school. Will meet with Dr. Rayhanabad, surgeon, on Wednesday. Headed to Santa Barbara Wednesday night for Thanksgiving with Jeanne's family. Will meet with Dr. Janis, oncologist, on Monday, Nov. 30.

Biggest question: what lies ahead with treatment?