Bald...By Chemo...By Choice

Bald...By Chemo...By Choice
Picture taken 3/4/2010...2 days after final chemo treatment

Friday, March 5, 2010

Chemo 0 Jeanne 4

"Everyone, I mean everyone, is exhausted come the fourth quarter. The winners, and true champions, are the ones who tap into their deepest reserves, rise above their personal pain, and do what needs to be done to win."

- William J. MacDonald, Esteemed Coach of the Seal Beach Sea Lions

Here it is...the last quote from my friend and colleague to begin this fourth and final quarter.

Team Jeanne truly was a team on Tuesday as I had two chemo partners...Matt and Mary. Oncology Nurse with No Manners (ONWNM) was absent at the onset of treatment and both team members were ushered to the bench with no reservations or rudeness. Team Jeanne had the game plan down pat and chemo didn't stand a chance. The IV went in smoothly and the drugs were administered even more quickly because "you can handle it", so said Nice Oncology Nurse...

Had a fever on Wednesday (101) but got my injections, got past it, had my dentist appointment, got my final injection yesterday...Team Jeanne is closing in! It is a grand feeling...

Thought you all should see how bald looks at 304 College Park Drive...hopefully we can all grow our hair together. I will be coloring mine soon, I believe. Marli, my hairstylist said it needs to be about one inch long...I hope I don't get a speeding ticket driving to the hair salon...

Hoping for a Latisse prescription on Tuesday for my disappearing eyelashes...Brooke Shields, look out!

Wow, eight comments on my blog this week...Thank you all for your kind, compassionate and uplifting words. I read and re-read them and they give me so much strength and encouragement.

Today is a good day and God is Good All the Time!!

I will keep you all posted as we find out next steps and schedules for radiation therapy and post-chemo healing.

Love and thanks to you all, from the bottom of my heart!



  1. Jeanne!
    You are awesome! I am so happy to see that 4th quarter score :)

    Each week I get a bible verse texted to my cell and I got one a couple of days ago that I really liked and I wanted to share it with you...

    Isaiah 41:13
    For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, "Do not fear, I will help you."

    So, I hope this verse finds some additional comfort for you. You have two great guys and lovely Miss Clo taking care of you who love you so much.

    By the way, your hair always looks good, and the scarves you wear always capture your beautiful style... so I can't wait to see that inch :)

    Love you!

  2. Oh, Jeanne...
    Where do I begin?
    I was so happy to see your comment on our blog today! From your comment, I saw that you had an actual blogger ID, so before I was about to email you, I clicked your name and saw your blog title in your profile... I immediately knew what that meant.

    Tears welled as I clicked into your blog and overflowed when I saw the picture of you, Matt and Austin. It took the better part of the morning (because of the kids) to read through each post. And, it took until the house was quiet tonight to gather my thoughts.

    I hate cancer and I hate that you have it.
    That being said, I absolutely adore your outlook.
    YOU are amazing.
    "Team Jeanne" is amazing.
    Your attitude is beyond positive... it's inspiring. It's a "kick the $h!t" out if it and "do it with a smile" perspective that changed my so-very-sad tears to being able to smile through them. While heartbroken that you are going through this... that your family is going through this, I laughed at the t-shirt slogan, I chuckled at the image of Austin asking Matt to make your hair a bit more even and I smiled at the thought of your Latisse prescription and speeding to Marli when your hair reaches one inch in length! Here I was reading about the last 3 1/2 months of your journey and you were making me smile and comforting me through your words.

    I already thought you were an amazing woman. After reading your posts, I am truly awestruck. I love that you've chronicled the chemo as quarters of a basketball game... so fitting :-). I love (and admire) that you can find so much humor in each piece of the journey. While it's not surprising (you've never struck me as someone who found it hard to just laugh and be in the moment even if the source of the moment is painful), it's easy to take a very different path when faced with something like this.

    Your honesty in your words and your limitless faith are inspiring. Your amazing family is inspiring. YOU are inspiring.

    Sending you love and holding you so very close in our thoughts and prayers...

  3. You remain an inspiration to so many. So proud to call you friend and family! I am amazed by you!

  4. Hi Jeanne, I'm so happy you are done with your chemo treatments. Love the photo -- no one does bald as well as you do.

  5. Three cheers for Team Ruiz!!! Love to you all

  6. Gorgeous photo, Jeanne! Praying for more and more 'good' days!!
